喻梦瑶 首饰设计 硕士预科



《礼物》是一件我给自己制作的首饰,其灵感来源于我玩手机游戏时忍不住给游戏充值的经历。我提取了游戏中的用来抽取稀有道具的转盘为主要的视觉元素。在作品中,我使指针永远无法停留在中奖区。 我希望每一次转动戒指时都可以警示自己不要冲动消费。


I often care about some social problems and their impacts, especially the topic of consumerism in modern life. I think many people will be unconsciously influenced by consumerism and even 

over-consumption. Therefore, I hope to present my critical views to you in a funny and ironic way with jewellery so that we can make people think more about the view and bring some small changes to life.

“Gift” is a piece of jewellery I made for myself. Its inspiration comes from my experience of recharging the game when I play mobile games. I extracted the turntable used to extract rare props in the game as the main visual element. In my work, I make the pointer never stay in the winning area. I hope every time I turn the ring, I can warn myself not to spend impulsively.

In the work "Over Packaging”, I want to discuss the phenomenon of overpackaging in consumerism. I combine the common packaging structure with the jewellery structure, and make them stack layer by layer so as to blur the boundary between packaging and jewellery. Also, I want to make people think about what they are wearing, packaging or jewellery.



“Over Packaging ” Design Progress    《过度包装》系列 项目发展过程

“Over Packaging ” Design Progress    《过度包装》系列 项目发展过程

"Over Packaging I” Rendering Image Necklace, Acrylic, Brass 88mm*48mm*33mm 过度包装I 效果图 项链 亚克力,黄铜 88毫米*48毫米*33毫米

“Over Packaging II”  Rendering Image Necklace Acrylic, Brass 42mm*22mm*17mm 过度包装II 效果图 项链 亚克力,黄铜 42毫米*22毫米*17毫米

“Over Packaging II” Rendering Image Necklace Acrylic, Brass 70mm*80mm*40mm 过度包装III 效果图 项链 亚克力,黄铜 70毫米*80毫米*40毫米


