杨芮 首饰设计 硕士预科





I have long been interested in intimate relationship while putting my attention on the body. Because I believe the body is the base of all emotion and interaction, so connecting the jewellery and action can develop my work deeply.

“BLACK” is based on my exploration of myself which is one of the series of “Intimate Relationship”. In this jewellery, I focus on my childhood trauma and how to cure it. Therefore I made a narrative jewellery about growth and self-reconciliation. “EAT IT” was inspired by an awkward discussion of sex and erotic in a romantic relationship. Through my jewellery, I expect to normalise and de-sexualize the public discussion of it.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, I have observed people's unease and anxiety about the present and the future and made the series of “STAND IN THE RUNNING WATER” based on that, with healing properties. By incorporating the concepts of yoga, meditation and anchor, I hope that the wearing process can guide the wearer into a state of "peacefulness", and through the "Weight of the Stone", the wearer's attention will be focused on the physical feelings, so as to enter into a meditative state and achieve the communication between the natural and spiritual world.



Geometry Deformation I Ring Copper, Elastic Thread 1.6*1.6cm 几何I 戒指,紫铜,弹力绳 1.6*1.6厘米;

Geometry Deformation II Necklace Copper, Elastic Thread 14*14cm 几何II 项链 紫铜,弹力绳 14*14厘米

Black I Necklace UV Glue, Velvet Cloth, Gold Thread, Acrylic 41*32cm 黑I 项链 UV胶,天鹅绒布,金线,亚克力 41*23厘米;

Black II Necklace UV Glue, Velvet Cloth, Gold Thread, Acrylic size: 41*32cm 黑II 项链 UV胶,天鹅绒布,金线,亚克力 41*23厘米;

Stand in the running water I Necklace Agate Stone, Cotton Thread, Plant Pigments 1282cm 定I 项链 玛瑙原石,棉绳,植物色素 1282厘米

Stand in the running water II Necklace Agate Stone, Cotton Thread, Plant Pigments 40cm 定II 项链 玛瑙原石,棉绳,植物色素 40厘米

Stand in the running water III Necklace Agate Stone, Cotton Thread, Plant Pigments 82cm 定 III 项链,玛瑙原石,棉绳,植物色素 长度:82厘米

Stand in the running water IV Necklace Agate Stone, Cotton Thread, Plant Pigments 46*19cm 定 IV 项链,玛瑙原石,棉绳,植物色素 尺寸:46*19厘米

Stand in the running water V Necklace Agate Stone, Cotton Thread, Plant Pigments 18*8cm 定 V 项链 玛瑙原石,棉绳,植物色素 18*8厘米

Eat it I Rendering Image Ring for tongue Acrylic 25*25cm 吃掉它 I 效果图 舌头戒指 亚克力,尺寸:25*25厘米

Eat it II Rendering Image Ring Acrylic 35*35cm 吃掉它 II 戒指 亚克力 35*35厘米

Eat it III Rendering Image Chain Acrylic 90cm 吃掉它 III 效果图 胸链 亚克力 90厘米

Eat it IV Rendering Image Chain Acrylic 50cm + 50cm + 20cm 吃掉它 IV 效果图 腿链 亚克力 50厘米+50厘米+20厘米

Eat it V Rendering Image Chain Acrylic 68cm+42cm+10cm 吃掉它 V 腿链,亚克力 68厘米+42厘米+10厘米

Eat it VI Sketchbook of Design Process 吃掉它 VI 设计过程图


