冯韵青 室内设计 本科预科
I think that as good designers, we should not be limited to our own professional field. In this era of globalization, we should be at the forefront of professional integration. Therefore, when I conceive my work, I am always influenced by the clothing, materials, and aesthetics of different design fields. For example, in "TEMPORARY PAVILION", a pop-up store is established for the brand, which is a temporary place to display the brand's style and products. Therefore, in this project, I use recyclable materials to avoid pollution to the environment after the pavilion is dismantled. I chose steel wire for the structure, which is light and flexible and mimics the folds of fabric. The gaps in the barbed wire allow light to pass through, which is close to what I imagine translucent interior lighting to be. On the outer layer of the wire mesh, I cast different textures with melted wax. Different textures develop as the wax dries. The wax cast on the outside of the steel mesh can control the lighting in the room, the thickness of the wax controls the intensity of the light in the room and can form different shadows in the sun. The building form is light and mostly circular. The final model of this project is not an engineering model, more like a sculptural model. I wanted this model to look light, so I used a lot of curved elements, and the interior space I wanted to feel bright, so even though the outside was wrapped in wax, it would still let the sunlight in.
Wood strips. black fishnet socks.
Red stockings
Wood strips. black fishnet socks.
PVC. white ribbon
Wood strips