蔡宣耀 服装设计 本科预科


我叫Jimmy,是一名服装设计师。 从小学三年级开始学习油画,高中开始学习服装设计。在我看来,服装是对外界展示你自己的一个桥梁,那些素未谋面的人可能会通过服装去关注你,对你有初步的了解。我热爱服装,我认为好的衣服是能将你变的更完美的工具,同时服装会赋予你自信。

我所热爱的设计师山本耀司说过,“去模仿 继续模仿 你会在模仿中找到自己”。我认为我现在正在这个模仿的过程中,我希望能在之后的人生中找到自己。


My name is Jimmy, and I'm a fashion designer. I began to learn oil painting in the third grade of primary school and costume design in high school. In my opinion, clothing is a bridge to show yourself to the outside world. People who have never met before may pay attention to you through clothing and have a preliminary understanding of you. I love clothes. I think good clothes are the tools to make you more perfect. At the same time, clothes will give you confidence.

Yohji Yamamoto, one of my favorite designers, said, "Imitate and imitate, and you will find yourself in imitation." I think I'm in the process of imitating now, and I hope to find myself later in life.

I like clothes with texture. I think the clothes made with good craft and textured fabrics are more addictive than the flashy and unwearable designs. I believe fabrics are alive, they will breathe and grow with the passage of time, and at the same time, they will bring the clothing traces of time.




