王懿杨 室内设计 本科预科



《Tiny Dream Space》它的灵感来源于从小玩的可拆卸可拼接玩具。我希望通过改变大众化的家具店的那种无趣感,让年轻人和小孩对家具店产生兴趣。最终空间由一个普通的废弃家具店转变为了一个具有童心、亲和力的梦幻空间。

《Embodying the space》则是一个更加概念化的空间设计尝试。我从三组独立的动词和形容词出发,将其与空间设计相结合,把它们连贯成一条故事线体现在空间形态上。

《Collective memory installation for empty nester》是为中国空巢老人设计的空间。中国空巢老人的问题越来越严重,希望通过我设计的装置可以为他们的生活带来乐趣,缅怀过去带来希望。在制作模型时,首先尝试了手工模型发现不能达到我想要的效果,所以最后选择了制作电脑模型。空间由一个废弃工厂改造成展厅,并在破损的墙体上添加的铁丝架,为了支撑起老式电视机,在电视机上播放着他们年轻时的回忆照。

最后一个项目《Breathe experience store》是一个商业中心的店铺设计。店铺的视觉效果是以绿色、橘色为主,白色为辅的纯净空间,强调空间的美观实用与亲近大自然并重,旨在繁华快节奏的商业中心里,不仅让大人,也让孩子们创造一个舒适,特别的购买和体验的场所。

I pay more attention to emotional experience about interior design, and I expect my design could bring its audience the intended effects. I aim to endow all space with special meaning.

The Tiny Dream Space is inspired by the detachable and collapsible toys from childhood. I hope to spark the curiosity of children and young people in furniture stores by changing the monotonous atmosphere of mass-market furniture stores. Finally, transforming the space from an ordinary abandoned furniture store to a childlike, intimate, and dreamy haven.

In addition,  Embodying the Space is a more conceptual attempt at spatial design. I started with three separate sets of verbs and adjectives and combined them with the spatial design, linking them into a storyline reflected in the spatial shape.

Furthermore, Collective Memory Installation for Empty Nesters  is designed for empty nesters in China. The problem of empty nesters in China is becoming more serious, and I hope that the installation I designed will bring pleasure to their lives, allow them to remember the past,and bring new hope. When creating the model, I first tried the manual model and found that it did not work as expected, so I eventually decided to make a computer model. Space is a showroom converted from a disused factory. I added wire shelves to support the old television sets on the broken walls to show pictures of their youthful memories.

The last project, Breathe Experience Store is a shop design in a commercial center. The shop's visual effect is a purity space with green and orange as the main colors, complemented by white, which emphasis on aesthetics, practicality as well as closeness to nature. It aims to create a comfortable, unique spot for adults and children to purchase and enjoy in a busy, fast-paced shopping center.




