何文琪 首饰设计 硕预


我认为首饰是佩戴者情感和内在精神世界的一种表达,作品《Melbourne Told Me》构建的是悉尼一些场景中的日落,我希望通过首饰这个媒介展现我对这座城市的独特视角和怀念之情。我擅长并喜爱使用暖色金属与特殊材料创作,在作品《Anxious Attachment》中,我使用蜂蜡和巧克力等特殊材料去展现婚姻中两个人独特的情感关系。蜂蜡具有辨识度的甜美香气,棕黄透明的色泽给人带来足够的温暖;巧克力的材质也使作品显得更加新颖特别,所有的一切都是我内心特定情感的折射。当我追逐这种表达形式,将其真实呈现在我创作的首饰上时,我将获得无限的乐趣与成就感。

I think jewellery is an expression of emotion and the inner spiritual world. My work Melbourne Told Me fully shows my unique perspective and nostalgia for a city. I think the style and visual effects of a jewelry work often reflect the designer's own personality. Take my personal works, for example, my personality is somehow lively, bright, and curious, so I hope my works are warm, colorful, and unique. I am good at using warm-colored metal and special materials. In work Anxious Attachment, I used special materials such as beeswax and chocolate to show the unique visual effect of the work. The beeswax has a recognizable sweet aroma that brings enough warmth to people. The material of chocolate also makes the work more novel and special. Everything is the reflection of my specific feelings in my heart. When I pursue this form of expression and present it on the jewellery I create, I will get infinite fun and a sense of achievement.



Melbourne Told Me

Copper Brooch

Watercolour on Cotton

Photographer: Wenqi He

Melbourne Told Me

Copper Brooch

Watercolour on Cotton

Photographer: Wenqi He

Anxious Attachment

Candle Brooch

Two people-wearing

Model: Wenqi He, Yuyao Huang

Photographer: Su Studio

Anxious Attachment

Candle Brooch

Two people-wearing

Model: Wenqi He, Yuyao Huang

Photographer: Su Studio

Anxious Attachment

Glass Ring


Chocolate Bracelet

Model: Wenqi He, Yuyao Huang

Photographer: Su Studio


