林琴俊 首饰设计 本预





For me, the greatest happiness after contacting with contemporary jewellery is to be able to calm down to create and freely express my inner thoughts.

Before I studied contemporary jewellery, I worked in e-commerce for several years. I had a lot of work pressure and emotional instability, leading to endocrine disorders and suffering from breast fibroma. Therefore, I had an operation to remove the fibroma. So in the work A breast that spits out bad emotions, I made some expressions of destructive emotions, compared them to fibroma, simulated the operation process of fibroma removal from it. In this exciting form, it expresses the harm brought by the long-term lousy mood and also tells people to reduce pressure properly for the sake of physical and mental health.

Maybe it's because there's a place for my inner thoughts to excrete, and contemporary jewellery is my current source of happiness.

My inspiration usually comes from nature and my own experience.

After I studied contemporary jewellery, I realised that jewellery could not only be created with inherent materials such as gold and silver, but also with materials that have never been tried before. You can do it as long as you dare to think.

In the work Hair, I tried to do a lot of tests on my hair, including burning, dyeing, fusing silica gel, and so on.

And In the process of testing, I found that a slight perm is especially like gourd moss. So I dyed my hair red And made it into a small pot. Although it's not wearable But I was inspired by this test and fell in love with this way of testing new materials.



Fibroadenoma of breast

Handheld Objects,Ring,Necklace

Silver,brass,soft clay

Model: June Lin

Photographer:Shao Yihan

Fibroadenoma of breast

Handheld Objects,Ring,Necklace

Silver,brass,soft clay

Model: June Lin

Photographer:Shao Yihan

Islet memories



Model: June Lin

Photographer:Shao Yihan

《Hair》—My hair on the toy's head



Model: June Lin

Photographer:Shao Yihan


