李欣蓉 首饰设计 本预


Contemporary jewellery breaks the traditional definition of traditional jewellery by not only using precious metals and diamonds as the main material. Instead, everything can be used as the material of the design. Jewellery design becomes a medium to express the author's own feeling, thoughts and perspectives towards the society through continuous experiments, creation, thinking, and hand making.

In my work <Dream city>, I told a story of a non-existent city. So, I used the projector as a unique wearable way of the jewellery. I used the light to reflect the city silhouette on the wearer’s body and the size of the shadow can be changed according to the colour of the light and the distance.

I kept trying to use novel materials in different creation. In my latest creation <Accompany>, I tried to combine the rabbit hair and grass to commemorate the wonderful time that my pet rabbit has brought me. After a great amount of experimental explorations, I finally made four pieces of jewellery, which encouraged the audience to feel the smooth oAf the rabbit fur and delightful fragrance of the grass.

The different characteristics of different materials and ordinary things in life can bring us some special surprise, which has also become my best resource of creation.



在我的作品《Dream city》中,我讲述了一个关于不存在的城市的故事。我使用投影的方式作为这件首饰独特的佩戴方式。我将城市剪影通过光线照射到佩戴者的身上,并且可以根据光线的颜色和距离来改变影子在人身体上的大小。








