黄义洺 首饰设计 本预


I was born in Altay, Xinjiang Province. I study painting and major in jewellery. Most of my works are combined with drawing skills to express people's emotions, social resonance and national belief. Most of my concepts are from my perspective and then combined with wilder public perspectives. 

I have learnt art for many years, but before I did the foundation in AIVA, I only expressed my ideas with paper and pen. After I focused on jewellery design, I realised that design is related to the concept behind it. The concept contains everything in the design process, such as the reason of the material selection, the meaning of the design concept, the decision of making the design wearable or unwearable and etc. Making jewellery is like bringing a personal story to the public and letting the public know the emotions. Compared with other art forms, jewellery also comes with more impact, more concrete and more comprehensive, because jewellery is a real thing, an object that you can really feel and touch. 

My first artwork is called <Rap City>; my second artwork is an unwearable conceptual jewellery, while my final project is about Xinjiang national jewellery. I used painting as a media for most of my works to express my inspiration, but jewellery design is more about making. I believe that only when you know what kind of art form you want to combine with during making the jewellery can you make great jewellery designs. Jewellery design is not just about beauty and ugliness, it depends more on the author's creativity and the public resonance. The above is my rough understanding of the jewellery design.









