刘瑜 首饰设计 硕预


Jewellery is a short poem on human’s body and connecting to the outside world as a philologist. It can bring more information and emotion to the audiences compare with literature. I eager to convey my story in <Patch of Memory> and <Still>; which are stories between me and my grandfather or my friends. I also try to encourage the audiences to consider jewellery not only be a piece of decoration but also can be a piece of inspired art work. So, in <Death of the Author>, I discussed the value of beauty and ugliness which depends on the wearer's personal judgment. In <Shape of Me>, I invite everyone to think about the subordination between us and jewellery. It brings an open question, when you put our body into my work, is you decorating the jewellery or the jewellery decorating you?


首饰是一首关于人体的短诗,作为语言学与外界联系在一起。与文学相比,它可以为观众带更多的直观信息和情感体验。我非常渴望能通过《Patch of Memory》和《Still》向大家传达我的故事 -- 我和祖父或朋友们之间的故事。我也试图鼓励观众认为首饰不仅是一件装饰品,也可以是一件灵感四射的艺术作品。因此,在《Death of the Author》中,我讨论了美和丑的价值—它可以取决于佩戴者的个人评判标准。在作品《Shape of Me》中,我试图让所有人思考我们与首饰之间的从属关系。这个作品为我们带来了一个悬而未决的问题: 当你不自觉将我们的身体带入到我的作品中时,你可能会发出疑问 – 到底是我们装饰了首饰还是首饰装饰了我们?



刘瑜 首饰设计

刘瑜 首饰设计

刘瑜 首饰设计

刘瑜 首饰设计

刘瑜 首饰设计

刘瑜 首饰设计


