杨雨菲 服装设计 本预


Fashion, once merely known as something related to clothing, now becomes a significant symbol carrier of self-expression and self-realization. In these three collections, I want to use my works to show people a new way of communication with both others and them. 

The third project Project Me is the most representative collection for me. In this project, I chose the movie Cries and Whispers as my inspiration to talk about the ambivalent feelings in different kinds of relationships. This movie, set in the end of the 19th century, is about three sisters and a servant who struggle with the terminal cancer of one of the sisters. The servant is close to her, while the other two sisters confront their emotional distance from each other. Nowadays, everyone is too eager to be loved by others, but fail to know how to express their feelings. Ultimately, their relationship tends to be alienated and they start to blame each other. There is an inspirational scene in this movie where the main character (Thuli) takes off layers of her clothes and changes into pajamas, which is like us being wrapped in layers of constraint and finally can be real to face ourselves. Internal hiding and external extrusion are the main points of my design, so I decided to use layers of fabric to represent the external pressure and use the design of outside underwear to represent the real self that should be shown. I hope people can reflect on their own way of self-expression through my design and start to be brave to show the real self.



在我所有的作品中最具有代表性的是第三个项目《Project Me》。在这个项目中,我选择了电影《呼喊与细语》作为我的灵感来探讨人与人之间矛盾的情感关系。这个电影发生在19世纪末,讲述了三姐妹和一个仆人的故事。其中有一个姐妹得了癌症晚期,仆人很细心的照料她,但相反的,她的姐妹们却和她保持距离。正如同现在的人们一样,每个人都非常渴望被爱却不懂得如何去表达自己的情感。随之而来的是她们的关系越走越远,甚至开始彼此责怪。这个电影有一幕最令我印象深刻:主人公Thuli一层层的脱掉自己的外衣换上睡衣,就像我们脱去一层层的伪装最终直面真实的自己。因此,我选取’内部隐藏’和’外部挤压’作为我的主要灵感元素,并通过面料堆叠和内衣外穿的形式来表达这种感觉。我希望人们在看过我的作品后能够反思自己的情感表达方式,并勇于直面真实的自己。





《Project Me》

《Project Me》

《Project Me》

《Project Me》

《Project Me》

《Project Me》


