许佳雨 舞台设计 本科预科


出于对表演和绘画的极大热情,我选择了戏剧设计作为我的专业。 另外,我以前在中学的艺术节上编排舞台的经历也给我带来了很大的启发,这极大地鼓励了我通过戏剧场景来表达自己的想法。我很快意识到舞台在戏剧中起着主导作用,它有助于构建整个故事的背景、情感和感受。

《当你老了》这个项目让我能够制作不同的场景来展示爱情在各个阶段的进展:相遇、求婚和老年。 尽管我发现这个项目对我来说具有挑战性,但它使我加深了对叙事诗意意象的理解。除了为古典文学设计舞台之外,我还为《爱丽丝梦游仙境》设计了一个非传统的舞台,融入了鲜艳的色彩和镜子等元素,让观众沉浸在爱丽丝的魔法世界中。此外,在描绘19世纪女性悲剧《朱莉小姐》的过程中,我加强了塑造白模的技能。通过对细节的审视,文本与模型的区分成为一种旨在对比社会地位的双层建筑设计,最终象征着主人公的困境。我的目标是通过打造这个经典舞台来强调女性角色的力量和独立

《赵氏孤儿》标志着我学习经历的顶峰。 我通过投影和灯光效果增强了舞台效果,放大了悲惨的气氛。这部中国传统戏剧探讨了忠诚、牺牲和正义的主题,描绘了与邪恶势力的长期斗争。以主角为代表的正义力量,在复仇的过程中付出了惨痛的代价。


XU Jiayu

Stage Design

I chose theatre design as my major with my great passion for both performance and painting. Also, I was deeply inspired by my experience of arranging a stage play at an art festival in my secondary school, which greatly encouraged me to express my vision through theatrical scenes. I soon realized that stage plays a prominent role in a play, as it helps to establish the background, emotions, and feelings that comprise the entire story.

The project When You Are Old allowed me to create distinct scenes to show the progression of love in various stages: encounters, proposals, and old age. Though I found the project challenging, it deepened my understanding of narrative poetic imagery. In addition to designing stages for classical literature, I also created a non-traditional stage for Alice in Wonderland, incorporating vibrant colours and elements like mirrors to immerse audiences into Alice’s magical world. Furthermore, while depicting the 19th-century female tragedy Miss Julie, I honed my skills in building white models. By examining the details, the distinction between text and model became a dual-layered architectural design aimed at contrasting social status, ultimately symbolising the protagonist’s plight.  Through crafting this classic stage, my goal is to highlight the power and independence of female characters.

Orphan of Zhao marks the culmination of my learning experience. I enhanced the stage effects through projections and lighting, intensifying the tragic atmosphere. This traditional Chinese drama explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and justice, depicting a prolonged struggle against evil. The forces of justice, represented by the protagonist, exact a painful toll in their pursuit of revenge.

I put great effort into every single piece of my work, which further lights up my passion for stage design. I look forward to offering audiences a more vivid experience through theatrical expression and spreading uplifting themes that bring hope and happiness to the world.




