游溪 游戏设计 本科预科



在《梅里斐尔》(Merriphel)设计中,我选用了玛雅文化作为角色设计的背景。但其相关背景故事里,还融入了一些玛雅的姐妹文化阿兹特克的元素。玛雅与阿兹特克文化有很多相似而不同的特征,这能使我的设计过程有更多层次与发挥的空间。在这个项目里,为每个非玩家人物(NPC) 设计石制、木制、骨制等材料设计道具与物品,这些材质都是玛雅祭祀里常见的材料。

在另外一个卡牌游戏设计项目《魔兽领主》(Lord Monster),灵感来源于多神话杂糅的怪谈与传说。比如日本民俗故事、中国古地理志《山海经》;以及北欧神话里的巨兽。我热衷于将完全不同的生物元素结合在一起,并设计他们的习性与栖息地与独有的故事背景。过去很多概念艺术家已经做过很多的设计尝试,因此创造一个独立世界与全新的生物对我来说是一种令人兴奋的挑战。另外,我为每一张卡牌的正反面设计了不同的特性与玩法,以通过游戏玩法的方式玩家可以进一步了解生物的习性与故事。同时,我也为地图设计了与卡牌能够触发地区联动的玩法,让对此感兴趣的玩家更好的沉浸其中。

我也乐于尝试不同的创作主题与风格,因此3D项目《失落之鸟》(The Lost Bird)中,我尝试以一只能够成长的小鸟作为主角。这是一款3D冒险关卡类游戏,其中的怪兽都以现实鸟类为原型。在传统日式解密RPG项目《DUES》中,则参考了知名影视作品《死亡邮轮》(Triangle)与《禁闭岛》(Shutter Island)。在这个项目里,我尝试以倒叙的手法让玩家沉浸式体验这个故事。


Game Design

I am deeply fascinated by peculiar and mystical cultures, which is why I have a great interest in various mythological stories and religious beliefs. The fact that myths can originate from a unified source but give rise to different versions always makes me contemplate.

In my work Merriphel, I chose the Maya culture as the background for character design. However, I also combined elements from the Aztec culture, the sister culture of the Maya, into the related backstory. The Maya and Aztec cultures have many similar yet distinct features, which which provides a rich foundation for creative design. In this project, I designed props and items made of materials commonly used in Maya rituals, such as stone, wood, and bone, for each non-player character (NPC).

In another card game design project Lord Monster, my inspiration comes from a mishmash of myths and legends. These include Japanese folklore, the ancient Chinese geographical work The Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the monstrous creatures of Norse mythology. I’m passionate about combining elements of completely different creatures and designing their habits and habitats with unique story backgrounds. Many conceptual artists have already explored various designs in the past, so creating an independent world with new creatures presents an exciting challenge for me. Furthermore, I designed different characteristics and play styles for the front and back of each card, allowing players to learn more about the creature’s habits and story through gameplay. Additionally, I designed the maps to have gameplay that can trigger regional interactions with the cards, providing a more immersive experience for players who are interested.

Also, I am interested in exploring various creative themes and styles. For the 3D project The Lost Bird, I attempted to develop a bird that can grow. The game is a 3D adventure level game with monsters inspired by real birds. In the traditional Japanese puzzle RPG project, DUES, I referenced the well-known movie and television series Triangle and Shutter Island. In this project, I aimed to immerse players in the story through the use of flashbacks.


在《梅里斐尔》(Merriphel)设计中,我选用了玛雅文化作为角色设计的背景。但其相关背景故事里,还融入了一些玛雅的姐妹文化阿兹特克的元素。玛雅与阿兹特克文化有很多相似而不同的特征,这能使我的设计过程有更多层次与发挥的空间。在这个项目里,为每个非玩家人物(NPC) 设计石制、木制、骨制等材料设计道具与物品,这些材质都是玛雅祭祀里常见的材料。

在另外一个卡牌游戏设计项目《魔兽领主》(Lord Monster),灵感来源于多神话杂糅的怪谈与传说。比如日本民俗故事、中国古地理志《山海经》;以及北欧神话里的巨兽。我热衷于将完全不同的生物元素结合在一起,并设计他们的习性与栖息地与独有的故事背景。过去很多概念艺术家已经做过很多的设计尝试,因此创造一个独立世界与全新的生物对我来说是一种令人兴奋的挑战。另外,我为每一张卡牌的正反面设计了不同的特性与玩法,以通过游戏玩法的方式玩家可以进一步了解生物的习性与故事。同时,我也为地图设计了与卡牌能够触发地区联动的玩法,让对此感兴趣的玩家更好的沉浸其中。

我也乐于尝试不同的创作主题与风格,因此3D项目《失落之鸟》(The Lost Bird)中,我尝试以一只能够成长的小鸟作为主角。这是一款3D冒险关卡类游戏,其中的怪兽都以现实鸟类为原型。在传统日式解密RPG项目《DUES》中,则参考了知名影视作品《死亡邮轮》(Triangle)与《禁闭岛》(Shutter Island)。在这个项目里,我尝试以倒叙的手法让玩家沉浸式体验这个故事。




