王家瑜 首饰设计 本科预科





这些玩偶我想到美好的事和人,他们或许也会因为各式各样的原因离开我,但他们给我带来的影响将会一直存在。 这些宝贵的回忆会通过一张照片,一幅画像,或者意见作品得以保存,就像《画框中的朋友》系列一样。也希望这件作品也能唤起观众记忆中曾邂逅的美好之物,我想这也正是首饰的意义之一。

WANG Jiayu 


Jewellery is a medium that presents my imagination and personal feelings. So most of my works revolve around my real experience, in which I can see my memory imagination and various emotions. I hope that the audience can resonate with them by watching and touching my work. And I think making the audience think is the most interesting part of contemporary jewellery

In the project "Spike in Learning” represents the pressure and anxiety come from my high school life which I can not escape.I have no outlet for these emotions, which is even causing me harm. So in my design, I extracted from the torture to the painful elements and combined with the use of ready-made learning tools, expressed my feeling of study in the classroom, the control and critique from school to make us to achieve better results. Through the work, I have amplified my personal emotions. And I hope to let the audience associate the meaning behind the elements.

In contrast, "Companion in the Picture Frame" is a warm collection of work. The dolls are the main characters in the works. They accompanied me through my most childish, dreamy period. But they continuously left me during my growing-up. So, I want to commemorate them through jewellery. Each frame in the work depicts the scene in which I imagine living with them. They come alive in the painting and come to me.

I hope this work can also evoke the wonderful memories.

At the same time, these dolls remind me of beautiful things and people in my life, that I cannot help but leave them for various reasons. The precious memories with them will remind and be kept through a photo, a portrait, or a piece of jewellery, just like "Companion in the Picture Frame" . I hope my audience could also recall the memories about their important things and people.




