赵沛腾 奢侈品品牌管理 硕士预科



我的研究聚焦于中国珠宝市场,在预科期间,我展开了《中国中小型珠宝卖家类型调研》、《丹麦银器Georg Jensen 乔治·贾森(Georg Jensen)的中国的市场现状》、《中国目前红蓝宝石收藏与投资产业现状》这三个主题的研究。《中国中小型珠宝卖家类型调研》对比了国内不同规模的珠宝商家的运营方式包括产品类型、价位、消费群等;《中国目前红蓝宝石收藏与投资产业现状》调研关注于300,000人民币左右的宝石消费群体,收集了相关信息包括现代宝石收藏产业的历史和趋势分析、网络线上、线下宝石交易的现状,以及对于买家和卖家的采访。


ZHAO Peiteng

Luxury Brand Management 

Luxury brands embody more than just superior products; they signify a distinct culture, attitude, and lifestyle. I am keen to delve into the narratives surrounding these brands to understand how they uphold their exclusivity and premium status, all while captivating and retaining a devoted clientele.

My research focuses on the Chinese jewelry market. During my Pre-Master stage, I conducted three research projects: one on the various types of small to medium-scale jewelry sellers in China, another on the market of Danish silverware brand Georg Jensen in China, and a third on the current status of China's ruby and sapphire collector and investment industry.

In the first project, I compared how Chinese jewelry sellers of different scales operate their businesses, including their product types, price ranges, and customer demographics. In the second project, I surveyed gemstone customers with a budget of approximately CNY 300,000. I collected information on the background history and trends of the gemstone market in China from the modern age, as well as the current status of gemstone trading both online and in physical stores, through interviews with buyers and sellers.

Georg Jensen, a Danish jewelry brand renowned for its long history and sterling reputation, has primarily gained recognition in China for its silver tableware products. In contrast to its global stature, its influence in China remains relatively modest. Through my research, I examined the brand's marketing strategies in the Chinese market, which predominantly emphasized its silverware line. Unlike Tiffany, a comparable brand with broader marketing approaches, Georg Jensen's efforts appeared somewhat repetitive.




