谢昂泱 服装设计 本科预科



《透过窗户》的灵感来源于一位德国的写实油画家Jochen Mühlenbrink的作品,他的作品模糊了现实与虚拟的边界,这样的视觉效果引起了我的共鸣,因为我喜欢在雨天起雾的车窗上画画,喜欢观察透过笔画和滴落下来的水珠看到窗外朦胧的景色和散射扭曲的灯光。于是我尝试将泡泡水、纱网、半透明面料融合表现这些扭曲模糊的感觉。例如用弹力绳在镭射欧根纱上缝出泡泡的形状,将铁丝网塑造圆润的造型,用有摩尔纹的面料制作底裙,并加入了镭射TPU进行点缀。我通过在不同材质上吹泡泡留下水纹图案,并利用同样的方法设计了服装的整体造型。希望穿上这套衣服的人能同样感受到这种朦胧之美。


I grew up with my grandmother. Since I was young, I learnt to sew, stitch, knit jumpers and use the sewing machine from her. I enjoy the sense of achievement I gain when I finish a garment with my own hands. 

<Through The Window> was inspired by paintings of a German realistic oil painter, Jochen Mühlenbrink. The foggy window in his work blurred the boundaries between reality and illusion. Such visual effects and playful expressions impressed me because I also love drawing on car windows on foggy rainy days, as well as observing the hazy scenery and scattered distorted lights through the brushwork and dripping water. Therefore, I try to present those sensations through bubble water, gauze, and various translucent fabrics. For example, I used elastic thread to sew bubble shapes on laser organza, ironed gauze to create bubble-like shapes, used moleskin fabric for the lining, and embellished the garment with laser TPU. I blew bubbles on different materials to leave a watery pattern, using the same method I also create the silhouette of the garment. I hope the wearer and audience could enjoy the hazy beauty.

My second project is 'My Middle School', which represents one of the most memorable and happy times in my memory. Based on my middle school life, I extracted elements from cherry blossoms, post-it notes, school bags and books to complete my garment. Engraving stamps was one of my hobbies in middle school, so I chose to use the hand-engraved stamp to create the fabric pattern. Through this work, I hope to recall the fun life at school, and the view of cherry blossoms.






Through the Window


Gauze, iron gauze, PVC


