AIVAx瑞士科技文化中心| 讲座:设计与科技的共韵
图片由艺术家提供 © Photo: the artist
瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心 (swissnex China) 推出的“科学咖啡馆”系列月度讲座致力于构建一个跨领域对话的平台,与我们分享来自瑞士的科研学术成果与初创企业经验。八月,swissnex China将联合上海区块链科技中心以及AIVA国际视觉艺术中心共同举办讲座,聚焦设计与科技共韵的可能性。
科学咖啡馆 八月呈现
2019年8月15日 18:30-21:00
主讲人: Laura Couto Rosado
日内瓦艺术与设计大学(HEAD-Geneva)多媒体设计助理讲师,Degital Alchemy设计工作室联合创始人。她热衷于在设计、科学和技术之间建立强大的共生关系;在基础与应用物理学的启发下,她设计的混合装置向人们展现了意想不到的美与诗意。她曾于2017年在欧洲核子研究中心 (CERN) 担任驻留艺术家。
嘉宾: Edward Liao
嘉宾: Sarah Shen
Sarah是首饰机关设计及艺术化建模高手,在软件开发教育事业上颇有成就。同时她也与多个首饰大牌合作,Cartier卡地亚、戴瑞Darry Ring、周生生、老凤祥等珠宝首饰大牌在她提供的优质首饰解决方案下得到了很大的帮助。她将和Edward一起探讨技术如何帮助艺术的商业实现。
Blockchain Centre是全球首个致力于推动区块链科技普及的非营利性教育和知识中心。Blockchain Centre以区块链社区为核心,并在全球范围内促进区块链发挥着不可或缺的作用。全球第一家Blockchain Centre成立于2014年,位于墨尔本,迄今为止,我们的全球布局遍及13个国家和16个城市, 包括中国,澳大利亚,阿联酋,新加坡,美国,加拿大,俄罗斯,马来西亚,立陶宛,哥伦比亚, 黑山,巴基斯坦,俄罗 斯和泰国。区块链中心拥有5个重点支柱,利用当地合作伙伴和监管支持,确保有一个充满活力,知识渊博,值得被信赖的区块链社 区,增大区块链科技的社会影响力。
AIVA 国际视觉艺术教育成立于 2005 年,凭借英美澳等海外艺术院校的优质教育资源, 通过搭建国际化的艺术教育、展览和资讯平台,致力于培养艺术与设计领域中的创造性人才。AIVA秉持最前沿的跨文化、跨学科艺术教育模式,学术团队涵盖国际名校一线教授专家及或海外硕士以上学位的艺术家和设计师,以多元化、国际化的教学方法激发学生的潜能和创意。
图片由艺术家提供 © Photo: the artist
In collaboration with Blockchain Centre Shanghai, swissnex China is presenting the 8th Café des Sciences Lecture: Creating Symbiosis – Science, Technology, Design and Business on the evening of 15 August.
Laura Couto Rosado, Swiss artist and designer will be featured in the lecture where she will give a talk on designing cups with Quarks. After a three-month residency at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 2017, Laura Couto Rosado created a process that allows to materialize in 3D quantum phenomena from real data of particle collisions. Today, she collaborates with the Ceramic Research Lab in Limoges to design and produce a series of porcelain cups using these particle physics data. The lecture aims to show this unique and playful process that bridges our everyday life with extraordinary phenomena.
In addition to the talk, a roundtable discussion with other two guest speakers –Edward Liao (Lecturer at Shanghai Institute of Design, China Academy of Art / Head of Design Subjects, AIVA) and Sarah Shen (Product Manager, 3Design Software Solution) will be presented. In context of interdisciplinarity, they will share their insights about how technology empowers design and where is the borderline between art and science in the contemporary design.
Café des Sciences presents
Technical Spiral that We Inspire
Creating Symbiosis between Science, Technology & Design
August 15, 2019
Blockchain Centre Shanghai
Room 101, Building 3, No. 546 Yuyuan Rr.
Event Language: English
Free Entry
Scan for RSVP
Speaker: Laura Couto Rosado
Laura Couto Rosado is an artist and designer based in Geneva. Her projects are at the crossroad of multiple disciplines, revolve around a continual exploration of new territories which are off the beaten path. She is involved in a process of strong symbiosis between design, art, science and technology. This transversal practice misuses technology in a unique way to reactivate our link with nature and make us more conscious of the wonder of its phenomena. The outcomes are hybrid devices that reveal beauty and poetry where one does not expect it.
Guest Speaker: Edward Liao
Edward Liao is the Head of Design Subjects, Academy of International Visual Arts (AIVA), and the Lecturer at Shanghai Institute of Design, China Academy of Art. Distinct from artists and commercial designers, Edward seeks the balance between art and business. Specialized in Jewelry Design, he has created his own style and has a good collection of Modernist Jewelries. Meanwhile, he also has rich experience in product design and design strategies.
Guest Speaker: Sarah Shen
Sarah Shen is the Product Manager of 3Design Software Solution. She is an expert in Creative Jewelry Design, 3D modeling and design software development. Over the past years, she had collaborated with top brands such as Cartier, Darry Ring, Chow Sang Sang Jewellery etc.
Co-organized with
Blockchain Centre is the world's first non-profit education and knowledge Hub dedicated to driving blockchain technology. Blockchain Centre focuses on the blockchain community and plays an integral role in promoting blockchain technology around the world. To date, our global network of 15 centres span across 13 countries and 16 cities.Blockchain Centre has five key pillars, leveraging local partners and regulatory support to ensure a vibrant, knowledgeable and trustworthy blockchain community that increases the social impact of blockchain technology.
Special thanks to
Academy of International Visual Arts (AIVA), founded in 2005, is an independent art and design institution located in central Shanghai, China. It has expanded into a creative and culture hub in the last decade. Based on the Western educational system, AIVA develops an experimental mode of art education with a crosscultural, interdisciplinary and international approach through the use of diverse teaching methods and criteria. To encourage further creative and academic engagement with the art and design scene locally in Shanghai, China, regionally and internationally, AIVA regularly delivers an innovative program of activities and events to our students and the public, including lectures, workshops, and contemporary art and design exhibitions and events.