智启未来·质领国际 | AIVA学子牛津AQA2024考季卓越表现
2024年11月22日,英国牛津AQA国际考试局在深圳成功举办了主题为“Leading Teaching in the 21st Century”(智启未来 质领国际)的年会。此次活动吸引了来自世界各地的教育专家与学者,共同探讨未来教育的创新与发展方向。AIVA埃瓦国际教育 Zeyi CHEN老师作为学校代表应邀出席。
On November 22, 2024, the Oxford AQA International Examinations Board successfully hosted its annual conference in Shenzhen, themed "Leading Teaching in the 21st Century." The event attracted education experts and scholars from around the globe to discuss innovation and future trends in education. Representing Shanghai AIVA Education, teacher Zeyi CHEN attended the conference.
在会议中,AIVA埃瓦国际教育 Zeyi CHEN老师与牛津 AQA 董事总经理 Andrew COOMBE、Enjoy AI 全球战略发展顾问 Robert YU、诺德安达中国双语地区教育副总监 Amanda YAN围绕“人工智能在教育中的使用”展开了本次圆桌论坛。
本次圆桌论坛从大众面对 AI的恐慌情绪切入讨论,探讨了 AI在教育中的积极作用。如提高教学效率、促进教育公平、助力个性化学习等,同时,也指出了其存在的问题,如可能导致学生依赖、缺乏原创性等。
在论坛最后,总结AI 时代,教师应积极转变角色,同时引导学生批判性看待并使用 A技术辨别信息可靠性。随着技术的进步,未来 AI 在教育中的使用将大有可为,十分值得期待。
During the conference, Mr. Zeyi CHEN from AIVA International Academy of Arts, Andrew COOMBE, Managing Director of AQA, Oxford, Robert YU, Global Strategic Development Consultant of Enjoy AI, and Amanda YAN, Associate Director of Bilingual Education at Nord Anglia China, launched a roundtable discussion on "The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education".
This roundtable discussion started with the public's panic in the face of AI and discussed the positive role of AI in education. For example, improving teaching efficiency, promoting educational equity, and helping personalized learning are also pointed out, and at the same time, it also points out its existing problems, such as it may lead to student dependence and lack of originality.
At the end of the forum, it was concluded that in the era of AI, teachers should actively change their roles, and at the same time guide students to critically look at and use technology A to identify information reliability. With the advancement of technology, the use of AI in education is very promising in the future.

在随后的Oxford AQA Go Further Awards颁奖典礼上,我校学生表现出色,赢得荣誉。鲍同学凭借扎实的学术能力获得了AS物理东亚地区最高分;王同学以优异成绩斩获AS物理东亚地区最高分。这些杰出的成就充分体现了我们学校在国际教育领域的教学水平以及学生的全方位成长潜力。
At the Oxford AQA Go Further Awards, our students won honors for their outstanding performance. With his solid academic ability, Bao got the highest score of AS Physics in East Asia; Mr. Wang got the highest score in East Asia AS Physics with excellent results. These outstanding achievements fully reflect the teaching level of our school in the field of international education and the all-round growth potential of our students.

同时,Oxford AQA对AIVA埃瓦国际教育作为艺术中心的评分给予了非常高的评价。AQA指出,AIVA不仅在学生作品中进行反复研究和发展,进行反思性实践,使学生能够反思他们的想法并有效地推进,促使学生不断探索并精进自身灵感及作品,让学生有信心有动力探索他们关注的领域和兴趣,最后实现并取得优异成绩。
At the same time, the Oxford AQA gave AIVA a very high rating as an arts centre. AQA pointed out that AIVA not only carries out repeated research and development in students' works, carries out reflective practice, enables students to reflect on their ideas and effectively promote them, encourages students to constantly explore and improve their own inspiration and works, and gives students the confidence and motivation to explore their areas of concern and interests, and finally achieve and achieve excellent result.
随着各项议程的顺利推进,本次牛津 AQA 考试局年会逐渐落下帷幕。
With the smooth progress of the agenda, the annual meeting of the Oxford AQA Examination Authority gradually came to a close.
In the future, AIVA will continue to work together with all parties to open a new journey of education with wisdom, lead the new development of international education with quality, and help more students shine on the stage of international education and realize their dreams.